Exam Registration
Screen reader friendly pageRed River Technology Campus Scheduling
NOTE: If you are scheduling your child to take the Class D written permit test please make sure they are 15 years old on or before the day of their exam. If they are not 15 years old they will not be allowed to test per the agreement between Career Tech and DPS. The payment will be forfeited and you will need to make a new appointment.
No refunds will be issued for candidates that No Show. Testing fees can be refunded for candidates that cancel at least three (3) business days in advance and request a refund by emailing kloveday@rrtc.edu. The convenience fee is non-refundable.
Candidates needing to register for Teacher Certification exams will have to register for their exam at: CEOE Exams
Candidates needing to register for National EMS Certification exams will have to register for their exam at: NREMT Exams
Candidates needing to register for their High School Equivalency exams through HiSet will have to register for their exam at: HiSet Exams
Organizations that would like to pay by PO should contact the Assessment Center at kloveday@rrtc.edu to make arrangements.
If you have questions or need assistance please email kloveday@rrtc.edu or call 580-255-2903 Ext. 276 or Ext. 292.
Thank you,